
To enable marginalized and oppressed women in rural and urban areas with awareness and action for rights, Jagori undertakes capacity building workshops, documentation, grassroots action research, advocacy and campaigning in partnership with stakeholders including individual women and their partners, community members, civil society representatives, and other state/ institutional actors.

Perspective and capacity development on feminist principles and strategies
  • Organising gender trainings, workshops, study circles, campaigns and consultations with key constituents
  • Trainings with students and young adolescent women and men, providing them with the analytical tools and hands-on support to initiate positive action towards ending violence against women
  • Accompanying select organizations working with the marginalised and minority community on a long term basis

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The Resource Centre


  • Production and distribution of educational and advocacy materials serving the information needs of women’s groups, NGOs, researchers, media, academia, schools and colleges, community women in resettlement areas, youth and other regular users
  • Digitising and archiving crucial materials from the women’s movement since 1984
  • Fellowship support to women activists

Violence Intervention

  • Running a helpline and case support services, accompanying women to police stations to file an FIR, access protection and safe homes/shelters and access legal aid and counseling
  • Facilitating a process of healing and building collectives of survivors and investing into their legal and rights literacy
  • Sensitisation of service providers including police, relevant government agencies, media and other stakeholders
  • Policy advocacy on changes in the legal framework and implementation mechanisms

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The Safe Cities Initiative

The Safe Cities initiative works with key partners in the government, women’s movement, national and international agencies to pilot and upscale initiatives on making cities safer and more gender inclusive. Key activities include-

  • Conducting research studies and safety audits to bring attention to the status of women’s safety
  • Development of a strategic framework and plan
  • Public outreach through organising and participating in various events
  • Consultations and trainings with service providers
  • Media awareness and communication materials
  • Awareness sessions with students, young women and men, homeless and disabled women, urban planners, civic agencies, and women’s groups
  • Conceptualizing research tool-kits and subsequent sharing with women’s groups across the country

Approaches for supporting women’s leadership

  • Supporting women’s collectives in select resettlement colonies of Delhi through action research projects, resource mapping, social and safety audits, public hearings, ‘mini-courts of women’, in an effort to bring their voices and alternative vision to policy makers and local implementers.

    Read about our Action Research Projects here

  • Linking women leaders to social movements addressing right to food, shelter, basic services and entitlements, implementation of laws and policies on domestic violence and sexual harassment amongst others
  • Working with men and adolescent young boys in the community to re-define dominant masculinities and support ending violence against women and girls

Campaigns to raise awareness on Violence Against Women (VAW) 

Jagori has worked ongoingly with other women’s organisations and activists on numerous campaigns to end violence against women – including on dowry, Sati, domestic violence, and sexual assault to sensitise the public and raise awareness on the issue of violence against women, and its systemic and endemic nature; and to demand for comprehensive gender just law against sexual assault in its many forms.

Jagori has also been part of global campaigns such as the 16 days of activism on VAW (25th Nov-10th Dec), the Orange Day Campaign, The Anti-Street Sexual Harassment Week, and the One Billion Rising (OBR) Campaign.

The OBR campaign began with a global call from American playwright and activist,Eve Ensler, to people around the world – men and children included – to root out violence against women and join in a global day of action on 14 February 2013. In New Delhi a coalition of more than 65 organizations and individuals from all walks of life worked on the campaign as a collective along with Sangat & Jagori.

Short Report on OBR Delhi Campaign

Detailed Report on OBR Delhi Campaign